
Cut him some slack, he does all his own stunts.

I'm not Laid Off, I'm a Gentleman of Leisure.
Yes, there's a difference.
Look it up.

Greasy everything and bedhead
and two novellas in as many days.
Yes, it's as glamorous as it sounds.

I'm not sure how much more
of this rolling around in dirty sheets
I can take before I climb a clocktower.

I'm not sure how much longer
I can manage to be my own
best friend.

Sometimes it's so close to home
that the words won't come
without sounding forced.
Any self-respecting slob
would've waited 'til the next day
for the real money-shot.

That's why I'm firing my agent.
"Bunny, I'm sorry, but ya' gotta go..."
She just kept licking herself on the bed.
It's a good thing I can't.

Sometimes I thank God for the talents I don't have
and curse Him for the ones I do.
Can I get on with my night now?
There's a bottle I know I'll be good at emptying.

Currently reading:
"Seymour-- an Introduction" by J.D. Salinger.

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