
Weekly Jobsite Safety Meeting #341

"Jesus, Dave. This coffee tastes like shit."

"That's what you get for short-changing me again."

"The union's turning out some lousy apprentices."

"It's hard to find good help these days."

"You hear what happened to Raskey?"


"Not that. Most of the guys in our local have at least one of those."

"So what'd he do now?"

"Got his nuts all twisted up."

"What do you mean? He's always bent outta shape."

"He did it for real this time...well, his girlfriend did."

"How the hell?..."

"She got a little over-zealous with her hands."

"He OK?"

"They had to open his ballbag up surgically and untangle them."

"The members should send him a Get Well card."

"No way, Kid. Would you want one?"

"Good point."

"Keep it to yourself. I only told you this for your own benefit."

"I'll never ask the Old Lady to cup the balls again..."

"Get married. The situation won't ever even present itself."

"You're a real ray of sunshine, Earl. Be a fountain, not a drain."

"You and your Goddamn plumbing puns, Shakespeare."

"That's what you get for ruining my coffee break."

"That's what you get for ruining my coffee."

"Raskey's got it worse."


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