
Too soon?

My friend told me that he'd heard
that Michael Jackson started his infamous
surgical procedures after seeing his father's face
in the mirror one day.
That makes the Moonwalker's final stunt
slightly less funny, but I'll run with it anyway.

Seeing the quintessential pop icon
of my childhood die so prematurely
was a bit disheartening, despite the fact that
we all pretended not to feel a little upset.
It's alright, though; he's probably been
cryogenically frozen like Walt Disney
and Wesley Snipes, just chillin'
with the Elephant Mans' bones
in his extra creepy basement.

Part of me believes he's not really dead
and will come back
twice as big and blinking red.

Or perhaps he's just resting up
for the prophesied time in the near future
when he will ironically lead the Zombie Apocalypse.

It's one of those things we won't find out 'til we're dead
like how many morticians are also necrophiliacs.

Ah, the end-time revelations will be numerous indeed...

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