
"iMe joda con cajones!"

"Do you know what
that woman just said?"
I asked as we walked out
of the department store.

"I'm not sure, she was speaking
too quickly."

"Most Hispanic women do when they're mad..."

"So what'd she say?"

" 'Fuck me with balls,' " I smiled wide.
"Let me make that a little more clear
by adding some punctuation:
'Fuck me, with balls.'
The pause created by the comma
differentiates the two parts of the sentence.
She doesn't literally want to get fucked, but
she feels as though she is for some unspecified
negative reason. The 'with balls'
in this case is also not to be taken literally;
rather, think of the connotation implied when
someone says 'That engine's got balls,'
or something else that exudes brute strength.
The most colorful phrases in the Spanish language
don't make sense when translated word-for-word to English."

"Thanks for the lesson, professor."

The irony of the accusation made me cringe.
'Fuck me, with balls' indeed...

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