
To the tune of your dentist's office music.

It seemed unseasonably early
to be sleeping with the windows open
and our precious silence paid the price--
all night long, or so it seemed
the two local firehouses
called for reinforcements
waking us up
with their wailing sirens.

In the morning I put her on the train
to join the other tired commuters
hoping she'd fall asleep
for most of the buck-fifteen ride
into the city. When the text messages stopped
I knew that she had. I did the same.

When I woke I did a load of laundry
washed, dried, and put away
taking mental note of the fact that I folded
her clothes better than my own.

My pleasures are simple and my stars awfully low.
It's the best way I've found to live.

Nothing's perfect, but it's nice getting close

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