
Feel special to witness the waste.

"These are the days, Johnny,"
he said with a repugnant smile.

Roll the windows down
for the home stretch
and smell the rain on the asphalt.
It's all smooth sailing from here
or all downhill
depending on your bank account;
it's how the rich stay rich
and why the poor stay poor.
and what it means.

Be careful what you fish for;
you just might catch it.
How does one respond
to a letter like that?
The Kid said more
in four paragraphs
than I have in these
tens of thousands of words.
The bit about the rat
drowning in the oil pan
its blood spilling out
giving the illusion of transmission fluid--
that alone was enough to make me want
to give up wasting anyone's time
present company included.
I would if I could, but this
addictive personality says otherwise.
Hank said it was the small catastrophes
the shoelaces breaking
that break a man.
Maybe, Comrade, we can deflect the madness
for just a few more years
if we continue to make the tragedies pretty.
But for whom?

The problem with having an audience
is that sometimes they make requests
and even worse: they try to write
themselves into the script
which is hard to do
considering the end
is still a mystery.

Fortunately, this one's simple:

Taking dainty sips so as to not
get shaving cream on the glass--
it's the sign of dedication.
Covering the glass so the shower
head does not water down the magic--
a true propopent of the art.

Another misfortunate truth, daily:

When friends' phones stop working
it's all you have somehow, the burning
that makes you remember it well enough
to document it as if you'll ever want to recall it.

Treat it well and it will do the same.
It's the only time that law applies.

But did I tell you the story about my Father?
It's not as good as His.
Mine's still breathing
somewhere else.

The two of them could teach us.

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