
Someone check his temperature.

Pride yourself in your willingness
to let people cut you off in traffic
by leaving a space for them to pull out.

Make funny faces at toddlers in public.

Pull over on the side of the road
to help a turtle cross.

Hold the door for people, even grizzled men
who look like they wouldn't hold it for you.

Offer change to a stranger
to help him avoid getting four singles
and ninety-five cents back from the cashier.

Tell an acquaintance a secret about yourself
and watch as that person changes
to a friend.
A little granted trust goes a long way.

I'm not saying it's a yellow submarine.
It's more of an overcrowded bus
with no air conditioning
riding on square wheels
through the desert.
But before we get to that big let-down
in the sky we might as well make it work.

And Hell--
someone's gotta mow cemetery lawns.
It just ain't gonna be me.

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