

I pluck the forked twig

from her potted rubber plant's

soil and thrust it

into my aloe's earth

hoping it'll persuade

its growth back to center

where we all strive

to be

unsure of whether

or not

what she used

to prop the former

will help heal the latter

but it's important

to come off as being whole

when you're trying 

to help fix

what's broken.


Champagne Toast

What it sometimes

means to be

a friend

to the friendless:

weaponized sex

for strategic advantage.

The cigarette

ruined the photo.

The rest of it ruined

the rest of me.

I need you to leave

because I don't want you

to hear it.


Stalemate Understood

My head rests on his shoulder

in the Sunday stillness

of his bedroom.

I stroke his broad chest

back and forth

like the tide of the river

he's always lived along

waded into

and may or may not

have returned from

depending on who's asked.

If my hand stops moving

he'll assume I don't care

so my fingertips skate

across skin and hair.

I make the mistake

of stopping

and he shifts


"Sorry," I say.

"For what?" he asks

without opening his eyes.

"I'm not him,"

but in saying so

he's more "him"

than he would have been

in silence.

He swims in my stomach

until we both nod off

temporarily distracted.

What wounds to bear.



Between measurements

and cuts

at one of 

our many vices

he blurts 

what he shouldn't

with me 

as his only witness.

I remind him

of his transgression

as only 

a brother can.

"I'm an asshole,

but I'm your asshole,"

he reminds me

in the same way.

Together, as always

we throw rocks

from the shore

at an island.



Few want the truth


(as my newly departed 

uncle used to call me

a la spaghetti Western)

but you ain't 

the only one

who bunches up your blanket

at night

and tosses an arm over it

pretending that it's someone

who's worth a walk through coals

though a captain should know

survivor's guilt be damned

that loose lips

sink ships

with strange ejaculations.


Brother's Keeper

The garbage can stank

like meat juice on styrofoam

so I took it for a walk

to the dumpster behind my building.

After chucking the trash

I swung by my truck 

in the adjacent parking lot.

Half in the bag

I asked the guy

who's living in his car

if he's living in his car.

"Nah, man."

"Need anything?"

"Nah, man. 

I appreciate you."

I finished my smoke

and walked upstairs

to my lonesome luxuries.

We'd both reached a point

where it didn't make sense

to hide it.


New Jersey Necrophiliac


she rubs his bare chest

like it's a brass lamp

with a genie inside

though no wishes will be granted

to either party.

The smell of her perfume's reminiscent 

of the purple pew upholstery

in a Southern Baptist church

sending his mind 

to a highway rest stop in Maine

four years ago.

He'd scratched his face 

there in the bustling lobby

and his right hand

which had ridden a perfect thigh

in the passenger seat for hours

had the lingering scent

of elderly black women

in a state he'd never visited

and had never wanted to.

He'd finished draining himself

in front of foreign porcelain

alongside a dozen strangers

whom, Lord willing, he'd never see again

among poorly tiled walls and floors

or even the Pearly Gates

and was staring blankly

at undesirable food franchise logos

barely appetizing, in neon or not

when a familiar face appeared

within a crowd of other women

emerging from their corner

of the summer vacation ring.

There it was

her countenance

like the full moon

that keeps him awake these days

ready to get back in the car together

and share a bag of Skittles

he'd bought from a vending machine

more friendly than a teenager

in a greasy polo shirt

while waiting on

what he thought

was the rest of his existence

Bar Harbor merely one destination

of many for decades--

"'til death do you part."

"Can we go again?" 

"Maybe," he mumbles

his mind nine hours northeast.

She continues to paw

the urn that is his ribcage

not feeling the ashes within

and attempts years too late

to light another match.