
Conversation With My Guardian Angel

"You've been talking a lot of shit."

"There's a lot of shit to talk."

"Are you hurting?"

"I'm hurting."

"Are you happy?"


"Are you happy for them?"


"Carry on."

"Does it get better?"

"Only if you let it."

"You're welcome for the overtime."

"I'm salaried, but thanks."


The Deluge

Artificial sweeteners

antiperspirants' aluminum

arsenic in apple seeds

asbestos everywhere

living next to power lines

secondhand smoke

firsthand smoke

not enough sunlight

too much sunlight

the hole in the ozone layer

mixing bleach and ammonia

carbon monoxide

mercury in old thermostats

yellow 5 food dye

most things (but only in California)

will kill you eventually

though nothing will do it faster

harder, and with less remorse

than the dopamine deprivation

when there's nobody left

to love



Postage Paid

Cut so deeply

by another one

you've loved

you slice open

the parcel

sent to her 

old address

slightly aroused

by the sweet revenge

of a federal offense

when it hits you:

A sheet of

bubble wrap

a flattened

cardboard box

and return labels

in duplicate

in case there is

a mistake

when you realize

you've made one.