
a brace of pistols

We make those random basements ours:
home and forgiving
like the smell of leather.

I love him for speaking
in hypotheticals--such a
splendid way to translate
our less-than-such world.

"Would he give me a personal loan
to buy that house the wife wants?"

"Sure he would. Of course."

"Would you sacrifice our hourly rate
to be happier doing something else?"

"In a heartbeat, brother."

"Does the State of New York
have Castle Laws?"

"We're to run if they come for us."

"Would you take a bullet
so that I could live to be a grandfather?"

"I'd take one if it meant seeing you tomorrow
and every day after until I hang these holsters up.
But let's hope Junior makes it through
high school without any shotgun weddings."


The rest is the rest and works well with the weather.
A brace of pistols. A sacred safe buried with a coffin.
What'll it matter when the worms come?, speaking
their stunning legalese.

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