
March Madness in the Downtime of Cardiac Trench Warfare

What you see's what you get
if you're lucky.
What you paid for may not
fill the bag.
There are times when you won't
get it out of your mind
whether or not there is leverage.

Security's sold by the liter.
Gallons will get you back home.
Thread count will speak
of how soft we may sleep
but without the first two
it's a bandage.

I can't change the way that I shared it.
I've pleaded with many closed doors.
The lines were discovered
through hours of ink.
I promise it wasn't for pity.

There's good, there's bad
and there's ugly.
The world's not ashamed
to dole scars.
We have our fair share
but the present's a gift.
I've meant it since when I first said it.

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