
Bed Head

"Do I snore?"

I ask her

after hearing 

such rumblings

and wondering

if it's only gossip

as the trend goes

with me.

She giggles

pushes deeper 

into my chest

like I haven't already 

searched there 

for answers

that won't exist

until I'm stardust again.

At that moment

I learn

that for over 

half my life

I've been blessed

by people 

who've overlooked

this unknown flaw

enough to leave me

to tackle the rest

as best

as I've known how.

I see rats 

leaping from ships

while the water rises.

I see flies

fleeing shit

as the wind

picks up.

I see faces

beautiful faces

smiling up at me

on Sunday mornings

pretending to be lucky

without sharing the truth

rubbing it into

my foolishly 

grinning countenance:

I've been blessed.

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