
Stooltop, pre-Happy Hour

"They used to add
saltpeter to
prisoners' food
to kill their libidos."

"Get outta here."

"It's true. Now they
use turkey
to make them tired.
Trouble is it does
the same thing
to the guards."

"Well let me tell you
why I worry
about what they say
happens once they eat
the wedding cake."

"The end of an era."

"Use it or lose it."

"Or both."

"Do you know what
the praying mantis
does afterwards?"

"At least it's honest."

"At least it's quick."

"Donna, get him another one."

"Thanks, Andy."

"You need it more than I do."

"Should I send the postcard here
or to your house?"

"Whichever she feels best."

"Then neither."

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